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Show by:
Kathryn Helen Adams (Tampas)
Robert Joseph Adams
Marshal Glen Akin
Joseph Alby
Elaine Allin (Forrer)
Herman J Altgelt
Arlene Janet Anderson
Evelyn Inez Anderson (Strobel)
Vernagene Anderson (Lindgren)
Joseph M "Bud" Angel
Robert Anson
Mary Jane Antwerp
Gary Rudolf Aretz
Dwight Arndt
Shirley Babcock
Virginia Rose Baim (Lyon)
Mary Evonne Baker
Shirley Jean Baker
Kathleen Ethel Balok
Thaddeus Baranowski
Naomi Barcus
Ernest Barna
Mary Virginia Barrier (Watson)
Trevona Fern Bartlett (Emery)
Pete Batalis
William Beckman
Charles A J Bennett
Beverly Ann Bergeson
Fay Elaine Bihary
John Bill
Mary Ellen Bill
Robert Bjoraas
Gloria Anne Blanton
Peggy Jean Blauer
Fiora Ellen Blume
Bernard Boehnlein
Margaret Thelma Bond
Mardelle Rita Borkowski
Don Borntrager
George Joseph Bowering
Jack Anthony Bowland
Martha May Boyer
Joseph Brackett
Tom Brooks Brademas
Paul Wilson Bradfield Jr
Marshall Wayne Bradley
Charles Bratina
Simon Brazy
Joanne Marie Breske
Barbara Joan Briggs
Dale Brinley
Robert Brown
Thomas Bucher
Milfred Nelson Buck
Betty Mary Buckowski
Geraldine Buhler (Dawson)
Patty Ann Bunch (Geyer)
Betty Eleanor Burke
Norma Burns
Bonnie Lea Byers
Forest Robert Campbell
John Campbell
E George Carmon
Mary Ellen Carr (Luebke Handwork)
Victor Chacho
Edith Irene Chadwick
Wayne G Chapman
Audrey Joan Chause
Robert Chezem
Betty Ann Chmilewski (Gapinski)
Milton Roy Christen
Betty Joan Christian (Adamson)
Lavona Marie Clafllin (Scott)
Juanita Ruth Clark
Shirley Ann Clark
Peggy Clauer (McAllister)
David Allen Cobb
George M. Cohen
Mauraice Sol Cohen
John H Cole
Harold Coleman
Thomas C Condon
Caryl Mae Cones
Barbara Jean Copelin
John Jack Coquillard
Harriett Louise Corbin
Marie Elizabeth Costoff
Peggie Cowger (Cunnagin)
Mark W Cross
Norma Jean Culp (Fokey)
Robert L Cunningham
Helen Vivian Czernick
Harold Dahlquist
Edna Mae Daniels (Barrett)
Helen Joan Dannerberger
Robert Vincent Daube
Walter Davidson
Jack Arathur Davis
Foster Dawson
Joan Ruth Dawson (Emmerson)
Elinor Victoria De Frees
Audrey Lois De Man
Julus De Volder
Geraldine Virginia Decker (Green)
Frederick DeFerbrache
Patrick F Deneen
Roy F …
Anna Ilene Depew
Joe Deranek
Yvonne Lucille Desonia
David Detamore
Valjean Leon Dickinson
James Joseph Doyle
Thomas John Doyle
Kathlyn Claudia Dumont
Miriam Elizabeth Dunkin (Hobbs)
Sylvester Richard Durski
Chester Dziawa
Richard Neal Eisenhour
Betty Lou Eller (Brenton)
Gene Ferro
Lorraine Barbara Ferro
Charles Clayton Fischer
John Flaherty
James Lewis Flowers
Audrey Jane Frame
Beverly Frey
Frederick Fulford
John I Gardner
Arthur Charles Gau
Arthur Gember
Lois Grace Ghist
Mary Ann Giantomas (Nelson)
Bill Jasper Gibbons
Don Lewis Glaser
Jane A Esther Gleason (Wilson)
Phyllis Goddard
Morris Goldberg
Paul Louis Goldberg
Gloria Natalie Gollnick
Wellington Marshal Good
John Gordon
Sarah Mae Graham
Charles Ralph Grauel
Ramona Green
Donald Joseph Gudates
Frank H Guentert
George John Guzicki
James William Hamblen
William Edgar Hatfield
Lloyd Havens
Mildred Louise Hayes
William A Hayes
Suzanne Helmen
Roy S Henderson
Murray Hertz
Jerry Lewis Hess
Joseph E Hickey
Mario Edgardo Hilton
James Hippensteel
Merrus Elaine Hoctel (Irwin)
Ed Steve Hoffman
Joan Marie Hoffman (Goralski)
Robert James Holt
Jack Richard Honer
Barbara Ann Hood (Adams)
Virginia Fern Hoover
Eleanor June Hornchuck
James A Horning
Frank J Horvath
Richard Lewis Huffer
Betty Jeanne Hull
William Charles Hullinger
Elmo Elaine Hunt
Norman Eugene Hutchison
Francianne Dorothy Ivick
Harry Janiszewski
Delphine Mae Jerzakowski (Glaser)
Ann Marie Johnson
James Harold Johnson
Marguerite Allayne Johnson
Jerry Jeannine Jones
Margaret Lois Jones (Jackim)
Norma Lois Jones
Elmer Sherman Joseph
Joan Cecelia Jozwiak (Petros)
Roland Kahn
Leonard Chester Kapalcz…
Marion Louise Kasuba
Beverly Katz
Anne B Kecskemeti (Moyer)
Glenn William Keesy
Robert James Keresztes
Morgan Austin Ketcham
Frederick W Kiisel
Jack T Killelea
Annabelle T Kish
Marilyn Jean Klemz
Ted Kollassa
Delores May Kolman (Hyde)
Conrad Kominowski
Dorothy Kopczynski
Eula May Korn
Adolph Donald Kosinski
Agnes V Kramer
Doris Lorraine Krathwol
Andy J Krizmanik
Lorraine Mildred Krueger
Helen Kundek (Deranek)
Lorraine Lucille Kwiecinski
Dollie Virginia Lane
Mary Rugh Latimer (Nicklas)
Robert Latimer
Glayds Carolina Lauare
Gladys C Laure (Paczesny)
Virgil Lee Lawson
Harriet Josephine Lefel
Marna Charleen Leming
Theora Jane Leming
Robert William Lindgren
Marion Lingley
Doris Mae Littleton
Geraldine G Lockwood
Justin Bryce Lockwood
Donald Maurice Looten
Carol Margaret Loutzenhiser
Wilhelm Richard Ludders
Rose Mary Lupresto (Brzezinski)
Harlan Alton Lusk
Paul R Luzney
Henry Luzny
Clyde Mabry
Kenneth MacDonald
Ned Gordon Macwilliams
Willie Maefield
Barbara Mahler
James Paul Makielski
Bernard Malecki
Lois Louise Manges (Detamore)
Beverly Marcielle Mangus
Bill Louis Mapel
Helen M Marlin (Schrader)
Roland Mathews
Betty Lou McCarthy
Edward D McCarthy
Walter Lee McIntyre
John McLauchlan
Patricia Barbara Melczek (Ara…)
Shirley Deane Merritt
Dan Sickey Metros
William Henry Meyer Jr
Edward Joseph Milewski
Dwight Gene Miller
Mina Jean Miller
Patricia Ann Milliken
Robert Lindahl Minkler
Theodore Sol Minkoff
William Jay Mitchell
Ethel Elizabeth Molnar (Adamo)
Glenn Ray Moody
Jasaper Moorlag
Charles Edward Moritz
Patricia Ann Morrical (Durbin)
Margaret Ann Morris
William James Mortakis
James Mossman
Martin B Mount
Fred Richard Myers
Gertrude Joyce Myers (Collmer)
Gertrude Rose Nalepinski
James Joseph Nawrot
Charles Needam
Charles Arthur Neises
Dorothy Nelson
Mary Ellen Newburn
Richard C Niemier
Don Edward Niezgodski
Sylvia Irene Niezgodski (Zalas)
Shirleyl Mae Niven
Virginia Mary Norris
John Eugene Nowicki
George Nusshart
Katherine Marie Nyikos (Janasiak)
James T Nykos
Mildred Therese Obermeier
Gene H Oppenheim
Aletha Josephine Orlea (Tramo…)
Nettie Josehine Orlein
Shirley Jean Orr
Anne Judith Osza
Genevieve Anna Pankiewicz (Sz…)
Peter Papadria
Vilma Mae Parkansky
Donna Marie Patterson (Smith)
John Lyle Pauszek
Mattie Payne
Ruth Pease
John Peczkowski
Dolores Louise Pendl
Carolyn Joesphine Penn
Barbara Ann Peterson
Richard Ross Pettit
Anne Frances Pfleger (Simpson)
Donna Mae Phillips
Dorothy Marie Pieclowiak
Dolores Mae Pletcher
Roman Podlas
Richard Albert Pope
Claude C Prawat
Joann Priest
James Lane Prior
Shirley Anne Proud (Leible)
John F Przybysz (Prebys)
Gene S Ramsbey
Patricia Ellen Ransom
Harley Delos Reeder
Dorothy Mae Regard
Carl Richard Rehm
Charles Robert Rhoades
Vivian Louise Rhoades (Markley)
Richard Rice
Lorene Richardson
John William Rippe
Fred Roland Ritschard
Herbert Rosselit
Dale Elbert Royer
Donald James Roytek
Richard John Rucano
Arthur Lee Rummel
Paula Catherine Rumph
Barbara Lou Runbom
Richard Leon Rusiner
Patricia Ann Rybicki (Kaczynski)
Betty Lou Saenz (Riemland)
Mary Kay Salkeld (Freel)
Gerane Ardell Sass (Brossman)
Robert Franklin Sass
Bette Lou Schindler
June Alice Scholz
Irvin S Schreiber
Conald Schultz
Robert Seals
Joanne Seaver (Hensler)
Charlotte Jean Senger
Donald Senger
Joan Elizabeth Shanafelt (Haw…)
Helene Evelyn Shaw (Werner)
Marilybn Delores Shively
Ted T Siarkowski
Helen Joyce Simpson (Ford)
Marjorie Ann Singler
Frances Virginia Slack
Harry Slater
Roger Slater
Joe John Smiechowski
Arbutus Mae Smith (Molar)
Betty Leola Smith
Doanald Lee Smith
Edward A Smith
Lamar Thomas Smith
Phyllis Elizabeth Smith
Harold Wayne Snodgrass
Bob Joseph Somers
Lillian Helen Somogyi
Therese Harriet Sotkiewicz
Irwin Spanjer
Daniel Dale Spencer
Sylvester Raymond "Sully" S…
Theophil Spychalski
Bob H St Clair
Dorothy Stachowiak
Roman James Stankiewicz
Bob Hoffman Stansbury
Louis Jerome Stemnock
Clem Leonard Stevens
Virginia Grace Stillson
Dortthy Maxine Stoops
Paul Peter Streminski
Rose Marie Sule (Kinnaman)
James Sullivan
Robert Sullivan
Andrew G Swanson
Eva Kathryn Sweisberger
Eugene Joseph Szymczak
Lillian Takacs
Sterling Tallman
Verda Martinez Talton
Jeannette Tatum (Frazier Kapa…)
Joan Louise Taylor
Richard Dale Taylor
Bob Carlyle Temple
Robert Tengilitisch
George Tezich
Norman Tilley
Ronald Topping
Harry L "Tony" Toyne
John William Tranberg
Stanley James Tsalikis
Jeanette Amy Tyler
Richard Frank Udvardi
Barbara Jean Uhl (Hess)
Le Roy Ullery
Maurice Umbaugh
Jack Richard Underly
Maurice Van De Moere
William Morris Van Der Hagen
Jon Vander Beck
William Voss
Julius G. "Jay" Walker
Betty Lou Walsh
Thomas Wartha
Emanuel Maurice Wcisel
Henrietta Weatherspoon (Benman)
Mary Lou Weaver (Hutchison)
Betty Ann Wegenka
Walt Wegenka
John Anthony Weiler
Ralfred Duane Welch
Bill A Welsheimer
Mary Elizabeth West
Anna Kathryn Wetter
Barbara Whitaker (Weldy)
Carol Lovell White
Charles Lee White
John Edward Francis White
Joanne Katheryn Whitehead
Jack Whitmer
Rudolph J Wilfing
Charles Arthur Wilkeson
Darrell Williams
Duane Williams
Earl Williamson
Chester Wilmont
Dona Joanne Wilson
John Melvin Wilson
Leona Gertrude Wisniewski
Joan Witters
Mary June Wittmer
Ruth Olga Wollering
Virginia Blanche Wood
Cene Wooton
Robert Gene Wozniak
Georgiana Margaret Wroblewski
Joan Cozette Wroblewski
Gloria Jean Wrzesien (Kovacs)
Frank Wukovits
Lois V Wynn
Marian Allien Yanke
Gooey G Yip
Russell L Yost
Doris Alene Younguist
Joseph Zappia
Nancy Eleanor Zeitler (Beeman)
Jack Zentz
Dorathea Mae Zgodzinski
Wilbur Ziebert
Marjorie Ann Zimmerman