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Last Updated
Newest Members
Leonard Bert Adams
Richard Carl Adams
Richard Louis Adelsperger
Frank J. Alby
Joanne Alice Alspaugh
Marilyn Jean Anderson
Loretta Aranowski (Chillag)
Donald Ayers
Betty Theresa Bagarus
George Mike Bagarus
Beverly Jeanne Baim
Wallace Dale Bair
Margaret Ethel Bango (Sappington)
Lula Bell Bardner
Lois Jean Barnett (Hanna)
Everett Donald Barrett
Juanita Barrier (Schaefer)
Arthur Louis Barth
Everette Batdorf
Kenneth D Baughman
Leona Ellis Blanton
Betty Jane Boberg
Robert V Bolodar
Melvin Bond
Joanne Marie Bothwell
Lloyd Eugene Bowles
Harold Walter Boyce
Robert Boyles
Willard J. Braniff
Frank Watson Brayfield
Vivian C Broadwell
Mildred Madalyn Brown (Roeder)
Betty Jane Buchanan
Lauretta Fay Buck
Bill Buhler
Bruce Kent Burgess
Vincent Eugene Butterworth
Joseph Francis Caparo
Walter R Carpenter
Lamoine O Carter
Jean Marie Casper
Arnold Allen Cater
Irene Cherry
Antonia N Chicles
Virginia Veronica Chmielewski
Larry Clark
Kingsley Clauer
Charles Walter Clevenger Jr
Katherine Jane Clouse
Eileen Coleman
Michael Connor
Carroll Cook
Margaret Catherine Cook
Richard Lee Cope
Joan Elizabeth Coppes
Eleanor Craig
Donald J Cripe
Ruth Ann Culp
Leo Noble Cunningham
Theresa Genevieve Cyndrowski
Florence Rita Czarnecki
Joe M Czarnecki
Lucille Margaret Czeck
Gertrude Czuk (Prikosovich)
Ella Gladys Davis
Ellsworth Wesley Davis
Dorothy Lou Dawson (Lieb)
Patricia Ann Deal (Pierpont)
Nancy Lee Degroat
Adele Dennis
Lorraine Marie Deranek (Robaska)
Richard H Deranek
Dorothy Jean Detry
George DeWachter
Robert Patrick Donahue
Martha Eleanor Downing
Bette Jean Drymon (Duiker)
Dorthea Louise Dunkin (Looney)
Mildred Marie Dyke
Elaine Edwards
Robert L Ehninger
Betty Joan Eisele
Richard A Emery
Rolf Eric Falk
Jean Marie Fargo
Mary Frances Farkas
Daniel P Farley
Walter Sumner Ferguson
Richard G Ferme
Robert Erwin Fisher
Bettylou Fleming (Miller)
Patricia Agnes Flock
William James Fodor
Ann Fokey (Straka)
John Richard Forbes
William Mason Fox
Nadine Eugenia Freel (Jodway)
Bill A Freeman
Philip D Freeman
Ralph Fritz
Robert Gaines
Rita Virginia Gembarzewski (Konkol)
Dorothy Ann Gewetzki
James R Glaser
Marvin Goldberg
Donald Alex Golichowski
Alice Pauline Gondeck (Craven)
Opal Arlleene Good
Stephen John Gorbitz
George Downing Grayson
Robert William Green
Mildfred Claire Greenhut
Donald A Gregg
Doris Mae Grescyk
Isabell Marie Griffen
Genevieve Eleanore Grocke
Ruby Elizabeth Grossman
Dorothy Joan Hafner
Elva Helena Hagerty
Elizabeth Halasi
Frances Jean Hampton
Bertrand A Handwork
James Lewis Hans
Martha Rose Hans
Leo John Hanyzewski Jr
John Albert Harman
Charles Michel Harper
Patricia Margaret Harrell
Anton Hartman
Virginia Frieda Haselbeck
Frances E Hattery
Mildred N Heater
Fred John Helmen Jr
Stuart Allan Helmick
Gloria Marie Hesler
Henry C Hess
Robert Neal Hevel
Mario Hilton
Joan Weld Hodson
Joan Agnes Hoffman (McCabe)
John J Hoffman
Jo Ann Marie Hoover
Helen Evelyn Hornchuk
Naomi June Houk (Edwards)
Robert Hoyland
Melvin B Humphrey Jr
Charles John Hunt
Erma Jane Hunt (Vanderwall)
Russell Hunt
Jeanne Louise Hutchison
Joseph Paul Illes
David William Inwood
George R Jackman
Donald Edward Jankowski
Arnold D Jaqua
Geraldine Lucille Jaronik (Cyman)
Charles Jonas Johnson
Beverly M Jones
Richard F Jones
Gertrude Jozwiak (Kessel-Bartley)
Jew F Jurstel
Charles Frederick Kale
Cecelia Irene Kapalczynski (M…)
Walter Martin Karczewski
Lottie Rose Karowski
Henry Joseph Kaszynski
Morris J Katz
Hugh Francis Kayser
Harold Kazmierzak
Gerald A Kelly
Leonard Edmund Kendziorski
Rosemary Joyce King (Hickey)
Richard Kirby
Eugene David Kiszla
John F Klabusich
Beverly Ilene Klapp
David P Koehler
Eileen Catherine Koehler
Ruth D Kolupa
Juanita Marie Kominowski
Mary Rose Kominowski (Kubiak)
Eugene Kossakowski
Helen Kouroubetes
Robert James Koutnick
Richard Joseph Kovacs
Loretta Wilhemina Kowalski (M…)
Andrew N Kramer
John Krisilas
Richard Stanley Kromkowski
Bettyjane Kronwwitter
Stanley J Kruszewski
Charlotte Ann Kubiak
Mary Theresa Kucyor
Kathryn Ann Kuespert (Huffman)
Ralph B Kukla
Charles C La Rowe
Shirley Jean Lacer
Katherine Paula Lange
Howard A Larkin
Elaine Mary Laskowski
Edward Allen Lawton
Kal Paul Lazear
Goldie Mae Lee
Lloyd Everett LeRoy
Stanley Lewiecki
Martin Linderman
Audrey Adair Lindrath
Francis Lochmandy
Bernard B Looten
Walter Lorence Jr
Barbara Ann Lukas (Morningstar)
Winfield Albert Macdonald
Helen Opal Malohn (Mickey)
Joan J Marcinkowski (Names)
William Alfred Mass
Doris Lee Massengill
Robert Massingill
Richard Lee Matchette
Richard Joseph Maternowski
George Matheson
David Lewis Matthews
Joseph Louis Matthews
Eugene John Mazurkiewicz
Ray Margaret McConnell (Withers…)
Mary Ellin McCrady
Warren W McIntyre
Robert McPhee
Patricia Ann McQueen
Gloria Jean Melton (Pertics)
Roger Achiel Michailoff
Joseph Louis Michalski
Dale Gene Miller
Forrest C Miller
Harry Eugene Miller
James Edward Miller
Phyllis Miller (Lawrence)
Walter Miller
Paul George Miller Jr
Malcolm Edward Milliken
Don A Million
Marilyn Jean Mishler
Mary Catherine Mitchell (Kish)
John Delbert Monhaut
Bill Eugene Moore
Dorothy Evan Moore
Marilyn A Morrison (Scanlon)
Donald Philip Mortel
Carlos W. Moss
Rosalie Moss
Stephen A Mroczkiewics Jr
Genevieve Irene Mulhaupt (Shultz)
Margaret Jane Nave (Hersom)
Stanley I. Nawrocki
Dan Al Nawrot
Joseph P Neises
Barbara Ann Nelson
James W Nelson
Richard Raymond Nelson
William D Niedbalski
Geraldine Antoinette Niemier
Virginia Wren Northcott
Robert John Nowicki
Shirley "Marilyn" Nunn (Cenova)
Alice May Nyikos (Miller)
Joseph Peter Nyikos
James William Oberfell
Robert James O'Brian
Dorothy Edith Oetjen
Betty Jean Olinger
Alice Orlein
Harland William Orr
John Nelson Overman
Mary Pappas
Norma Jean Pare (Barth)
William Michael Patka
Ann Patrice Patterson
Thomas Richard Pauszek
Eleanor Elizabeth Pecze (Houg…)
Bob Penner
Margaret Alice Perzak
Ross Pettit
Robert Lloyd Phelps
Raymond T Pierson
Christine Julianne Pinkowski
Ella Mae Pinter (Retek)
Harriet Plotkin
James S Poage
Henry Pols
Mary Ward Pondr
Jacqueiline Joyce Porter (Schellinger)
Stephen Anthony Prekosovich
Joseph A Prestwor
Lois Claudine Price (Dejanovich)
Peggy M Puckett (Krug)
Zula Puckett
Thomas A Rafalski
Chester Walter Raszkowski
Donn B Ratlife Jr
Mary Ellen Rawlings
Charles W Ray
Eileen Reaves
Barbara Sue Reed
Max Alvin Reeder
Matilda Jane Rehm
Rudolph E Reinhardt
Ambrose Iziah Rice
Richard James Riffel
George Rinehart
Eldon Eugene Roberts
Bette Lou Robinson
Marquette Robinson
Winifred Maxine Roeder
Arthur H Rohr
Dorothy June Rose
Shirley Roslyn Rosenfeld
Ollie Williams Ross
Marjorie Jean Rouch
Cyril Ruddell
Richard T Rudynski
Helen Lucile Rupert (Boykin)
Evelyn Jane Rybicki (Wallner)
Arnold Gene Sage
Marvin Saruk
Samuel Schankerman
Ferris George Schick
Dona Margaret Schneider
Marjorie Rose Scholz
Marvin Scwartz
Evelyn Eugenia Sellers (Nelson)
Juanita M Sharp
Bonnie Lou Shire (Klusczinski)
Loren Richard Shirk
Rowena Shorb
Dorthy Lee Shupert
Jan Alice Sibley
Ted A Sieczko
Ester Simonis (Beke)
Gerturd Margaret Simonis
Chester Lawrence Skwarcan
Daniel Richard Skwarcan
Mary Ann Slott
Joan Aleta Smith (Straw)
Joyce Lorene Smith (Toth)
Nellie Smith (McMath)
Genevieve Sobolewski (Trojano…)
Ralph Bishop Sollitt
Pearl Solnoky
Louise Solomon (Jacoby)
Marvin William Solomon
Walter Brand Stansbury
Margaret Monelle Stedman
Gloria Jean Stellner (Gorrell)
Mildred Lucy Stevason
Jo Ellen Styles
Frederick D Sundloff
Robert Kenneth Swanson
Carter Joel Swartz
Daniel Franklin Swope
Eugene Szerencse
Ralph Walter Szymanski
Elizabeth May Thomas
Charles E Thompson
Harold L Thornburg
William Joseph Tobin
Alma Mae Tohula
Kenneth Fredrick Tupper
Lois Kathleen Udvardi (Ehninger)
Robert Richard Urganski
Henry C. Van Slager
Joseph Ernest Van Slager
Mary Jane Vaughn
Joseph Louis Vellner
Adolph A. Verstraete
Frances Louise Vignali
Jack A Voigt
Darryl Vaughn Voorhees
LouisbS Walkowiak
Dan Walkowski
Lucille Walkowski (Kopczynski)
Louis S Walowiak Jr
Dolores Lucille Ward
William Charles Warrick
Anita Elaine Waters
Lucian J. Wawrzyniak
John Thomas Weber
Helen Louise Weihrouch
Lester Albert Weiss
Luan D Wernick
Esther Rose Wesoloski
Earl Elwood Whiting
Eugene R Wielgos
Sylvia Alice Wiersma
Ruby Dell Williams (Hockaday)
Arthur Leroy Wilson
Owen Hibberd Windle
Grace Bernice Wisler (Krych)
Kenneth Lee Witkowski
Anne W Witt (Orcutt)
Ralph Edward Witucki
Eleanor Jane Wolfberg
Susan Pearl Woltmann (Catto)
Robert James Woodcock
Delphine A Wroblewski (Szymanski)
Evelyn Mary Wrzesien (Majerski)
Richard Franklin Yost
Mary Rose Young
Rowenz Anne Zick
Joan Elaine Zimmerman
Patricia Ruth Zobrosky
Cecilia Zoneberg
Rose Marie Zummer (Grams)