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South Bend Central High School
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South Bend Central High School
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Carol Adams
Patty Ake (Whalen)
Gloria Aldridge (Jones)
Othor Aldridge
Annie R Allen (Spearman)
Denny Allin
Larry Allsop
Robert E. Anderson
Thomas Anderson
Hans Anwarhan
Dennis Bailey
Kathleen Balint
Richard Joseph Baraso
Kay Barbour
Peggy Batzel
Helen Baumgartner
Bruce Behling
Carole Bell
Helen Benson
Jerry Bergenhagen
Lou Ellen Biddle (Ridenour)
Elaine Biebuyck
Robert Blohm
Karen Bloom (T'Kindt)
Richard Blume
Mary Ellen Boberg
Tom R Bode (Bode)
Robert Boone
Robert Borders
David Bostic
Barbara Botteron
Sharon Bratina
Nancy Lee Bright (Cronin)
William Brockman
Larry J Brodnax
Delores Brown
Doreatha M Brown
Jacqueline Marie Brown (Flowers)
John Brown
Larry Bubp
Susan Burkhalter
Richard Calloway
Janice Campbell (Rosenkranz)
John Lee Carlson
Nancy Ruth Carr
Alice Carrington
Peter Cashman
Terry Cerveny
Jim Champaigne
Kathy Chizar
Ruth Jean Clark
William Cleghorn
Merle "Jim" Close
Gus Cogdell
Virginia Coil
John Coleman
Nancy Collins (Kalber)
Diane Compton
Judy Costello
Karen Critchlow
Felix Curtis
Barbara Cuthbert
Carol Daren
David Daren
Charles Davis
Dennis Davis
Julia Davis
Marcia Denny
Steve Dermer
Sharon D. Doetsch (Hoover)
Randolph Doi
Penny Jane Dombeck (Scheuer)
Judy Donnelly
Mary Dorsey (Riley)
Natalie Dowdell
David Drajer
Robert Ducomb
Thomas Dulcet
Patricia Dunlap
Sandra Dunlap
Joyce Ann Durski (Bowers)
John Eager
James Easley
Rozanne Eastburn
Sharon Eazol
Tom Edler
Helen Edwards (Finnigan)
Pat Eicher
Fred Eisner
Larry Keith Elliott
Carol Linn Emerick
Alice Emerson
Charles E Eppenger
Jack Ernsberger
Genevieve Erp (Glon)
Mike Evans
Myra Ewing
Ilah Farrington
Carolyn Farthing
Richard Ferrell
Jean Fessel
Marlene Fezy
Thomas Filley
Frances Fisher (English)
Jerry Florkowski
James Flowers
Sandra Fortin
Ronda Foster
David Fox
Geraldine Fredrickson
Edward Friccius
Leola Frick
Mike Fritz
Patricia Fulnecky
William Gandy
Jayne Gant
Peter Gasper
Linda Gates
Stanley Jr Gebo
Marcia Gerhold
Tom Geyer
William Gilbert
Darlene Gish (Lane)
Sue Glenton
Ernie Goforth
Delores Golden (Chambliss)
Patricia Golubski
Sharon Golubski
Janet Goodpaster (Gates)
Jim Gore
Nancy Gorsage
Ronald Gorski
James Gotsch
Judy Grabowski
Ruth Graham
Jack E. Grall Jr.
Bruce Green
Marilyn Green
Sandra Green (Hermans)
Karen Grey
Archie L. Grissom
Audrey Grzegorek (Grzeskowiak)
Richard Grzeskowiak
Barbara Guzicki (Burlingham)
Robert Hahn
Janice Harden
Larry Harding
Carolyn Harpel
Rose Marie Harris
William Harris
Charles Hawkins
Elwood Allen Hayes
Richard Hering
Madlyn Hess
Saundra Hetteson
John Higgins
Janet Hildabride
Jerry Hildabridle
Mary Lou Holdeman
Dwight Hoover
Frank Horak
Charles Howard
Charlotte Howell
Nancy Huff
Barbara A Hughes (Williams)
Hollis Hughes
Connie Hull
Fred Hunt
Robert Hurd
Louis Jastrzemski
Marlene Beverly Jaworski (McD…)
Larry V. Jelinski
Leno Jennings
Terrance Johnson
Florence Jean Jones (Hall)
Percy Jene Jones
Jacquelyne Jorgensen
Norman Kagel
George Kalamaras
Bonnie Kallinger
Olin Kane
Alan Katz
David Katz
Rosalie Kazmierzak
Roger Keller
Carol Kennedy
Michael Kennedy
Jeffrey Kepschull
Judith Keresztury
Chales Kern
James Kieffer
Brian Kiel
Truman Kindig
Donna Kingery
Michael Koehler
Craig Kolski
Sue Komasinski
Margaret Konieczny
Joseph A. Kosik
Loren Krienke
William Krill
David Krueger
Larry Kruszewski
Claire D Kubiak
Nancy Kubiak
Veronica Kuczwara
Karen Kuespert
Linda Kull
Pat Kull
Steve Lakin
Harry Lamberson
Alice Lark (Rouse)
Jeff Lark
Judith Latson
Betty J Lee (Kirkendoll)
Betty Jean Lee (Taylor)
Bill Lee
Shirley Lee
Sydney Carlto Lester
Barbara Lewinski
Harold Lindgren
Mary J. Liszewski
Tom Lockmondy
Craig Long
Tom Longwell
Clarence Junior Love
Leonard Luther
Anita Madison
Ted Mager
Joann Mallard (Grywczynski)
James Manion
John Manis
Jim Manuszak
Scott Martin
Winfred Martin
Jane Maskwinski
Sandra Matafin
Tom Maxwell
Richard McCarty
Rex McCombs
Sharon McCullum
Sid McCumsey
Tom McCusker
Joseph Patrick McFarland
Mike McGregor
Ann McKibbin
Robert McKinley
Torrence Raymond McMorris
Bill McRae
Judith Ann McWilliams (Batchelor)
Elizabeth Mead (Pifer)
George Meadlimber
Barbara Melson
Keith Merrill
Billie Lou Meyers
Lucinda L Meyers (Visser)
Ruth Milhous
John Miller
Ronda Miller
David Molnar
Don Molnar
Barbara Morris
Elizabeth Morris
Mary Ellen Mrozinski (Rauschenberg)
John Mulkey
Patt Mullen
Charles Mullin
Tom Muncie
Alan Nagy
Janice Nekamo
Shirley Nemeth
Signora Newburn
Billy Laverne Newsom
Ronald Niedbala
Larry Noens
Gerald Norris
Janet Josephine Nowicki
David Oberholtzer
Barry O'Connell
Gary Oesch
Michael H Oklak
Linda Orban
James Otolski
Larry Edward Overton
Alfonso Owsley
Jean Papet (Hogan)
Nancy Parko
Brenda Paul (Scott-Brown)
Roger Peters
Philip Petrie
Elizabeth Phillips
Janice Pierce (Ramirez)
William A. Pilarski
Ray Pinter
Luther Pompey
Jacky Porlier
Karen Potts
Jamie Pound
Jerry Presnal
Carolyn Prszygoda
Judy Pugsley
Janet Putnam
George Radecki
Henry Rakowski
Alan Rapp
Sharon Rasmussen (Brown)
Robert Rau
Elaine Ray (Mercurio)
Robert L Raymond
Cindy Reddish
James Reiter
James R. Remble
Diane Rems
Jim Rice
Wanda Richardson
Gary Richert
Curtis Ricks
Ruth Rickus
John Ridenour
Serge Rivard
Beverly Roberts
John Robinson
Marilyn Roeder
James Roelke
B. Jay Rohr
Carol Rostiser
George Rowan
Brenda Rydzinski
Gerald Yoshito Sakaguchi
Millicent Samarich
Don Sausaman
Ronald D. Sayer
Marcia Scanion
Merry Kay Schatzle
John Scheminske
Paul Scheuer
Cynthia Schmidt
William Schoolman
Mary Anne Schultz
Thomas Schwenk
Karen Segety (Cole-Reygaert)
Sue Shellenberger
Esther Sherburn
David Sherman
Gene Sherry
Kenneth Sherry
Richard Sherwood
Gerald Shidaker
James Sholly
Janet Shoup
Sandra Simpson
Nancy Sindlinger
Carol Sklodoski
Patricia Smartz
Betty Smead (Webb)
Ted Smerekanich
Donna Smith
Gerald Smith
Jerry Smith
Melinda Smith
Ronald Smith
Una Rae Smith
James L Snyder
Mary Margaret Snyder
Phyllis Solomon
Maryellen Sopcsynski
Joseph Sorocco
Nancy Sotkiewicz (Nowak)
James A. Spears
Roger Spickler
Frank L Springer
Albert Spromberg
Ray Stafford
George Stamm
Susan Steel
Marilyn Steenbeke
Kay Stockton
Stanley Stoltz
Carolyn Stone (Bergenhagen)
Janalyce Stouder
Karen Strandhagen
Damon Straup
Patrick Strickler
Amanda Strong
Sherry Stults
Kari Svaren
Ronald Swiatowy
Barbara Jane Tankersley (Keck)
Gus Thanos
Jesse L Thompson
Thomas Thornton
Marilyn Thrasher
Robert Tiedge
Betty Tomlinson
Diane Topash
Louis Jr Toth
William Trobaugh
Michael Turner
Bruce Ullrey
Blance Vasquez
Elizabeth Vaughn (Northern)
Terrence Voogd
James Waite
Claudia Wall
Irene Walton (Duke)
Nyoka Walton
Sandra Ward
Dave Warren
Geoffrey Watkin
Sheila Watkins
Gary Weaver
Dave Webb
Jerald Anthony Weger
Barbara Weinstein
Paul Westerhouse
Robert Wharton
Mary Wheelock
John Whitinger
Diane Wils
Betty Wilson
Mike Wilson
Lilnda Wiltfong
Norma Winther
Jerry Wiseman
Bob Wisniewski
John Jack Wolf
Mary Lou Wolfe
Nancy Wolfman
Norman Working
James Wynne
Theresa May Zabik (Van Overbe…)
Wayne Zander
Lorraine Zawierucha
Lois Zielinski