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All Class Years 1832-1970
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South Bend Central High School
All Class Years 1832-1970
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South Bend Central High School
All Class Years 1832-1970
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In Memory
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Classmate Profiles (1927)
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Show by:
Frances E. Aitchison (Barnette)
Bernice Alwood
Charles Anderson
Marjorie Anderson
Margaret Anwander
James Archambeault
Harry Archer
Lester Arter
Dorothy Ashburn
Louella Atwood
Veeronica Aumack
Fredrick W Axtele
Charles Edgar Bacon
Vernon Baer
Louis Bailie
Vincent Baker
Cliffored Robert Beck
Harold E Becker
Donald C Beckler
Russell Beckwith
Mildred Beeman
Elizabeth Beistle
Isabelle Beistle
Timothy Edward Benitz
Helen B Berg
John Edward Bergan
Kenneth Bergeron
Eleanor Bergstedt
Virginia Berner
Itille Beyer
Pearl Bieneman
Paul A Bill
Hildure E Bloom
Donald Bloomfield
Marie Boldt (Miller)
Robert Bon Durant
Florence May Bonnell
Artur Bostater
Thomas Atkin Brandon
Fred Brown
Helen Brundige
Clara Brylewski
Betty Budd
Louise Burch
Charles Burke
Eugene E Butterbaugh
Virginist Callaway
Geraldine Carlson
Charles D Cashman
James Casmier
Ted Chapin
Evaert R Chapman
Gerald Chichester
Edward Chirhart
Helen Christman
Jean Christman
Daniel Clark
Thomas O B Clouse
Blanche Coar
Abe G Cohen
Jeannette Cohen
Eileen Cole
Chester S Collier
Keith Collier
George Collins
James Conboy
Marguerite Cook
John B Crowe
Gertrude Dalrymple
Robert Danforth
Florence Daniels
Dorothy David
Anne De Crocker
Doris De Long
Dorothy De Pont
Helen De Runtz
Freda Deepe
Myron B Deepe
Arthur Demby
Marvin Dice
Howard Dillingham
Catherine Dillon
Julius Dolgos
Thomas Dugdale
Jeannette Dulmstch
Kathryn Dunn
Maratha Duzynski
Eileen Earl
Frederick J S Ebeling
Theodore Eder
Marguerite Edison (Smith)
Elizabeth A Egyed (Krieg)
Theresa Louise Elick
Geraldine Emmons
Rowene Erler
Lyle A Essex
Edward Evans
Joseph Hadley Evans
Edward Everett
George G Fassnacht
Ida Feintgold
Edward W Fettel
Aloysuis Filipek
Martha Fisher
Blanche Flowers
Frances Frame
Seymour E Francis
L Chester Franckowiak
Denise Frankel
Helen Fredickeon
Selma Fredickson
Molly Freeth
Max Freidman
Edward F Fretz
Robert J Fry
Arthur Garden
Josephine Gaszewski
Sterling Geesman
Guy Gibbons
Marian Gish
Phoebe Gish
Frank H Goetz
Florence Goldsmith
Ellen Gould
Mary Gould
Dorothy Green
Queen Groshans
Theodore Gugle
Margaret Guin
Norma Guin
Genevieve Guziski
Lucille Hadrman
Charles Hahn
Roy Hamilton
Qoen Hanks
Vivian Haring
Jeanette Harold
John C Harring
Rudolph Heintzelman
Harold J Hershenow
Bennie Hershkowich
Viola Hively
Alice Hixon
Lillian Hobarat
Clifford Hoenk
Irene Hoffman
Mary Margaret Hoham
Marie Holcomb
Effie Holmes
Carl Holstein
Mary E Hoover
Ione Hopkins
Frank Horvath
Edward Hosinski
Regina Hosinski
Ruth Hosinski
Alyce Hosler
Charles Howard
Mildred Huggart
Mildred Katherine Hulett
Bernice Hummer (Chapman)
Glayds G Hummer
Vera Hushower (Peterson)
Gene Inwood
Jane Jackson
Katherine Jackson
Julia Jaquith
Rose Anita Jeshow
Gladys Jester
Luella Joegenson
John Johnson
Selma E Johnson
Velma Jolly
Felix Jones
Howard E Jones
Stanley R Kazmirski
Albert Keck
Morton Keegan
Eleanor Keith
Russell S Kelley
Opal Keppler
John Frederick Kerner
Jean Wilson Kerr
Loe Kierein
Alpha A Kiplinger
Selma Kirsch
Ilah M Kizer
Anne Klatz
Goldie Klein
Marcella Knoflicek
Philip Konop
Frank Kopinski
Emma Ro Kovach
Hazel Gertrude Kramer
Forrest Kreighbaum
Robert Kreighbaum
Kenneth Lewis Kreps
Harry Kubiak
Michael Joseph Lacopo
Marjorie Lamar
John A Lang
Vaughn Layman
Kathryn Lebo (MacDonald)
Beatrice Mae Lechlitner
Glayds Maxine Lechlitner
Cecilia Ledin
Michael Leding
Amy B Lehman
Florence Leibov
Elsie Levander
Nathan Levy
Rose Lippman
George E Lomas
Doris Longbrake
Evelyn Longenecker
Maurice Luther
Helen Macdonald
Martha Makowski
Milton Malmberg
Fred Marckwardt
Leo Markiewicz
Roman Anthony Markowski
Ann Matasar
Mabel Matthews
Bernice Maurer
John McCulloch
Mary Alice McIneryn
Valley McIntosh
Edgar McIntyre
Mildred McKinney
Clifton McKnight
Russell McMichael
W E McNulty
Elizabeth McSonough
Helen Mercer
Harold Miller
Ruth Miller
Steven Miller
Virginia Miller
Mildred Moore
Ruth Moringstar
Samuel Ryburn Morrow
Evelyn Morss
Floyd Mouring
Helen Mueller
Margaret Munger
Burnas Murrmann
Rudolph Mussack
Irene Myers
Gladys Nace
Carl William Nedderman
Ethel Nedderman
Vincent Niesen
Edward Niezgodski
Merton Norris
Louise Obermuller
Russell O'Connor
Stanley C Ohlund
John J Olejniczak
Eleanor Osborne
Julius Overwalle
Hildah Parr
Robert Parrott
James E Peterson
Charles E Pettit
Marion Pittinger
Dave Podelwitz
Doris Poe
Vivian Pomeroy
Mary Post
Rolland J Poulin
Arthur Steven Prekosvit
Beulah Proud
Ellen Prytz
Esther Prytzie
Irene Pyle
Luella Rankin
Tomas Reed
Kenneth Rerick
Kimbal A Reyher
Charles Hahn Reynolds
Helen Rhoads
Vivian Rhodes
Dorgehy Rice
Helen Ridenour
Lousie Ridenour
Ethel Roberts
Lyda Roberts
Florence Robinson
John Rochstroh
Bertha Rodan
Herman Roden
Ardelle Roper
Mary Jeanette Rose
Edward Ross
Gertrude Rough
Jesse Rumpf
Dorothy C Runkle
Virginia Rupe
Helen Salzwedel
Franlkin Schuell
Louise Schultz (Devereaux)
Pearl Seidler
John I Shafer
Francis Dunning Shanley
Louise Sharpe
Ruth Sherbert
Helen Sherman
Arthur Shidler
Walter Shidler
John Shively
Virginia Sinclair
Alvina Smith
David J Smith
Eleanor Smith
Walter J Smith
Mary Harriet Snyder
Raymond E Sobecki
Jack Sofan
Anna Soloff
Ruth Spencer
Max Sperry
Charles Spohnholz
Crawford Staples
John F Staunton
Evelyn Steele
Emma M Stephens
W Harold Storm
David Stouffer
John E Stover
Joseph Strebinger
Kenneth Striebel
Russell Strycker
James Switft
Harriet Szymkowiak
Helen Taylor
Joseph Ward Taylor
Elmer C Thalke
Alice Thompson
Louis Andrew Toth
Margaret Toyne
Eleanor Jean Tuttle
Raymond Van Wynsberghe
Lynn Vance
Freda Veach
Oscar Von Barandy
Robert Wade
George Rupel Walz
Ruth Warner
Robert Watt
Charles Owen Weaver
Buell Webster
Rose Marie Weger
Charles Weiss
Mildred Werner
Forest R West
Mildred Weybright
Florence Esther Wherrett
O Donald Whiteman
Charles Benton Wible
Edmund Wieczorek
Joseph Wilsczewski
Horace Winchell
Frances Wolf
Edward F Wolfe
Katherine Woolverton
Iva M Wright
Walter Yeagley
Berdellis Young
Joe Zimmer